There is an app you can download called ‘Taminations’ which explains the calls and provides animations of the calls. Or, click on this link: Taminations to view this in your browser. You will see a list of square dance levels. Once you click on the level (we dance ‘Basic and Mainstream’ and ‘Plus’), you will see a list of the square dance calls. Click on the call you are interested in and you will be able to click the play button to view an animation of that call. On the right hand of the screen you will see the verbal description of the call. 

In the chart below, you can click on the Video link for a call to see a square actually dance the call. Or you can click on this link:

ProgramCall NumberCall NameVideo
Basic-10Designate Heads, Sides (1,2,3,4)V
Basic-11Circle Left/RightV
Basic-12Forward and BackV
Basic-15aPromenade Full / 1/2 / 3/4V
Basic-15bPromenade (Ladies/Gents)V
Basic-15bPromenade (Single File)V
Basic-15dStar PromenadeV
Basic-16Allemande LeftV
Basic-17Arm Turns
Basic-18aRight and Left GrandV
Basic-18bWeave the RingV
Basic-18cWrong Way GrandV
Basic-19Star Left/RightV
Basic-110Pass ThruV
Basic-111aHalf SashayV
Basic-111cLadies In, Men SashayV
Basic-112aU Turn BackV
Basic-114Split Two (the Outside Couple)V
Basic-115Courtesy TurnV
Basic-116abLadies Chain (Heads, Sides, 3/4, All)V
Basic-116cChain Down the LineV
Basic-117Do PasoV
Basic-118Lead RightV
Basic-119Veer Left/RightV
Basic-120Bend the LineV
Basic-121abcCirculate (Centers, Ends, Couples, All 8)V
Basic-121dCirculate (Column / Single File)V
Basic-121eCirculate (1 1/2)V
Basic-121eCirculate (Box)V
Basic-121eCirculate (Split)V
Basic-122Right and Left ThruV
Basic-123Grand SquareV
Basic-124Star ThruV
Basic-125Circle to a LineV
Basic-126Walk Around the Corner (All Around Your Left Hand Lady)V
Basic-127See SawV
Basic-128Square Thru (2,3,4)V
Basic-128Left Square ThruV
Basic-129California TwirlV
Basic-130Dive ThruV
Basic-231Wheel AroundV
Basic-232aAllemande TharV
Basic-232cWrong Way TharV
Basic-233Shoot the StarV
Basic-234Slip the ClutchV
Basic-235Box the GnatV
Basic-236aTrade (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers)V
Basic-236bTrade (Couples)V
Basic-236cTrade (Partner)V
Basic-237Ocean WaveV
Basic-238Alamo Style Wave (Ring)V
Basic-239Swing ThruV
Basic-239Left Swing ThruV
Basic-240Run (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends)V
Basic-240Cross RunV
Basic-241Pass the OceanV
Basic-243Wheel and Deal (Line of 4)V
Basic-243Wheel and Deal (Two Faced Line)V
Basic-244Double Pass ThruV
Basic-245First Couple Go Left/Right
Basic-247Flutter WheelV
Basic-247Reverse Flutter WheelV
Basic-248Sweep a QuarterV
Basic-249Trade ByV
Basic-250Touch a QuarterV
Basic-251Ferris WheelV
Mainstream53Turn Thru (Right Hand Turn)V
Mainstream54Eight Chain Thru/4V
Mainstream55Pass to the CenterV
Mainstream56Single HingeV
Mainstream56Hinge (Couples)V
Mainstream57Centers In/OutV
Mainstream58Cast Off 3/4V
Mainstream59Spin the TopV
Mainstream60Walk and DodgeV
Mainstream61Slide ThruV
Mainstream62Cross FoldV
Mainstream63Dixie Style to an Ocean WaveV
Mainstream64Spin Chain ThruV
Mainstream65Tag the LineV
Mainstream66Half TagV
Mainstream67Scoot BackV
Plus1Acey DeuceyV
Plus2Teacup ChainV
Plus3Ping Pong CirculateV
Plus4Load the BoatV
Plus6Peel OffV
Plus7Linear CycleV
Plus9Spread – (Anything) and SpreadV
Plus10Spin Chain the GearsV
Plus11Track IIV
Plus12Roll – (Anything) and RollV
Plus13Follow Your Neighbor (and Spread)V
Plus14Fan the TopV
Plus15Explode the WaveV
Plus16Explode (and Anything)V
Plus17Relay the DeuceyV
Plus18Peel the TopV
Plus19Diamond CirculateV
Plus20Single Circle to a WaveV
Plus21Trade the WaveV
Plus22Flip the DiamondV
Plus23Grand Swing ThruV
Plus24Cross FireV
Plus25All 8 Spin the TopV
Plus26Cut the DiamondV
Plus27Chase Right (Left)V
Plus28Dixie GrandV
Plus29Tag – 3/4 Tag the LineV
Plus30Spin Chain and Exchange the GearsV
Advanced-12Cross Trail Thru